
Showing posts from June 27, 2019

Teaching file 5

Sharing thoughts about few cases we encountered this week. First one is a case of Hand foot mouth disease. Just to highlight few atypical features. This entity was not a common before 2000. when we encounter fever with vesicles. most common possibility we considered was varicella (chicken pox). Even though we studied theoretical details of smallpox,and how to differentiate this from chickenpox it was not of much practical use as it was declared eradicated in 1980. This new entity of HFMD appeared once in a while in the beginning of this century but last ten years this became more common than chickenpox . If we examine the data in IDSP Kerala,last year we ll see the number of chicken pox cases in thousands. Most of this must be wrongly reported HFMD, some times if we are not careful it is very likely that Hand foot mouth disease is mistaken for varicella and many cases put on anti viral drugs and contacts vaccinated against varicella. In a way it is good. One interesting thing