
Showing posts from December, 2019

Boy with progressive bending of spine

9 year old boy first born, out of non- consanguineous marriage ,developmentally normal presented with a history of swelling involving the upper left thigh at 3 years of age. It gradually progressed to involve the left thigh and legs sparing the ankle and foot. Diagnosed as lymphedema and was followed up By 5 years the the swelling in upper part of left thigh reduced but, the swelling in the left leg remained the same. The boy also started developing scoliosis from 6 years of age which was gradually progressing.  He also has pain in lower part of left thigh from 6 years of age and has increased in severity for the past 1 year . Left lower limb pain was felt along the medial side of thigh above knee,episodically which was severe for short duration. He used to have episodes of pain at night waking him up last for minutes and disappear. There was no numbness,tingling sensation. He did nt have difficulty in walking,running. He use chappels without slipping off.He is going t

Pulse polio . Needs rethinking

Before you read this write up please go through this link written about the same topic in May 2018 . Last week i had a talk with one of senior official in communicable disease. I wanted to have the latest data about the polio vaccination status of with Oral polio vaccine (OPV) and Injectable polio vaccine (IPV) both at national level and Kerala as i could nt get any data beyond 2016. What was worrying me was about the weekly report of Polio status WHO . Most of us worrying about recent political developments are blind about a real threat which any moment is likely to grip our nation. We are sitting on a time bomb. I don't know whether i am permitted to write about a govt policy . I am supposed to endorse all govt policies as a govt servant.  Yes  i ll do that . But as a person who is keenly watching all these scientific facts i feel it is my duty to warn our fellowmen about this threat. May be it is nothing like Ebola or NIPA which ll result in mass casualties .  All  the