
Showing posts from July, 2019

developmental delay

5 month old girl child brought  with complaint of not achieving milestones. Sixth child of non consanguineous marriage  between 35 year old mother and 39 year old father. First baby conceived after treatment of infertility.Father,he had oligospermia. There were three abortions in the first trimester, first third and fourth. Second baby delivered normally,did nt thrive and died at  64 days of age  (poor sucking and activity,respiratory distress,procedure s/o peritoneal dialysis done,birth weight-2.3 kg, and weight at 64 days wt-1.3 kg). There is only one  normal living girl child,now 3 years old. No family history of early child death, in other members or developmental delay or significant neurological illness on both parent sides. Present child- During pregnancy  mother had gestational diabetes and,was on insulin.Diabetes was well controlled.Delivered at full term LSCS 2.7 kg.female baby cried immediately after birth.Breast fed normally and was normal